Jumat, 09 Juni 2017

Der Chopper, published in both German and English, and now finally shipping from Amazon.com...reviewed here in Intersection
Lest you forget in the long wait for The Chopper: the Real Story, its being reviewed in quite a few magazines in the coming months.  Up today is the German version of Intersection magazine, one of my favorite moto/motor/culture mags (published in many languages), who gave a nice 6-page spread for Der Chopper, which was of course published both in German and English.  The crux of the review is summed up in the following par agraph, translated just for you (not by me though, meine Deutsche ist schlecht - thanks to Helga Beck at Gestalten):
Photos of John and Genny Reed by Francois-Marie Dumas, Sean Duggan by Michael Lichter, and a couple of pals of Rich Ostrander at his High School in SoCal...

"The myth may smell foul, but the true stories behind chopper culture are untold. Paul dOrléans illuminates the times in which chopper drivers resembled members of a secret society. Following the long fork, he writes about a subculture s ociology and brings both individual customizations and the individualists who built them to life. In this way, Paul d’Orléans has succeeded in showing chopper culture in its original splendor - as quintessentially American folklore whose echoes thunder over the world."
An out-take from The Wild One, illustrating post-war Bob-Jobs, in a discussion about early clubs and the origin of the term outlaw regarding motorcyclists - not what you think!
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